You know how when you go into a job interview, and the prospective employer looks through your book, and at the end they always ask, "Now, what is your favorite piece that you've designed?"
Ladies and gentlemen, this will always be my favorite piece.
I created Making me MADison way back when, when I was still a college student. Part of me loves it because I can be sentimental and it was my first big crack at information design (something I knew of at the time, but had no idea that I would fall head over heels in love with until I started that time line chart in the center of that poster).
And the other part of me? Well, that part loves this poster because of its sense of humor. The assignment was to track statistics of our choosing and display them. A pretty opened ended assignment, but seeing as I was exploring the waters of "trying to live with three roommates for the first time", I decided to track the mean/rude things I thought about people for three weeks. Sure, it may have seemed like a ridiculous idea at the time, but I have to say I was extremely happy with the final product. Also, any chance to work a pun into a piece is a win for me.
The colors are dated and could use some serious intensity to them, the justified type is a true shame, and the headline type choice looks particularly flat; but this is a nostalgia piece with good bones and I'm appreciating it for what it was. Besides, if I were to remake a piece of art today about things that make me mad, the whole thing could be dedicated to the series of progressive angrier and angrier thoughts I have when they move things around in my favorite grocery store. Nothing is worse than not being able to find your favorite chai tea!

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